With all the recent and fully justified attention being paid to the need for rapid societal decarbonization, there is a real danger of overlooking the other, equally important dimension of […]
The Trump Administration and many of its members came into office with a well-deserved reputation for being skeptical of government programs, particularly those thought to influence or replace activities common […]
I had an opportunity this week to finally sit down and read a report issued last month by a former client and collaborator, the National Association for Environmental Management, more […]
Yesterday, as was widely expected, President Donald Trump announced that the U.S. government would formally withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement (see previous posts for what this agreement says and […]
With many people focusing on the pending decision of the Trump Administration regarding whether to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement or remain within it (undetermined at this […]
For the latest in the occasional dog-bites-man stories that tend to pique my interest, let’s turn to the global specialty chemical industry. A few weeks ago, some of the world’s […]
In an interesting example of how most things environmental are not as simple as you might think, the seemingly straightforward matter of promoting less paper use is attracting some strong, […]
Many major companies are actively pursuing sustainability as a business strategy. Among the larger companies in many industries, the focus of activity is shifting (or expanding) from internal operations (e.g., […]